Tucked away behind the police department in Bee Cave, Texas is the Bee Cave Sculpture Park. This park's sculptures were donated by local artist. If you're visiting the Bee Cave, Texas area, make sure to take a walk through this park. It'll take about a half hour of your time.
It's located where HW71 meets FM 620. Just drive through the light into the shops at the Galleria and when you come to the first stop sign, take a right and drive around the back of the building.
To learn about the individual sculptures and the the artists that made them, visit Sculptures of Bee Cave.
The frog sculpture below is named "Leap of Faith".
This unique sculpture made out of stone and brass is named "The Beehive". This creation is based on the story of the bee caves and how Bee Cave got it's name. It was created by Susan Gulla O’Leary.
Are you up for a game of Chess? Life sized Chess that is.
To find the names of the sculptures below, check out the Sculptures of Bee Cave webpage.
The sculpture below is my favorite. It's name is "Foam of the Waves."
Karen Christian Alvarado hails the creator of this sculpture is an award-winning international artist from Austin.
"What?" is the name of the sculpture below and represents one of the five questions of journalism.
This sweet sculpture is named "First Love". Look at the dimples on the little boy and the way the dog's ear flops over the boys hat.
The park bench below is entitled "A Peaceful Place."
Can you find the longhorn?
I hope you enjoyed the Bee Cave Sculpture Garden tour and stop by again to see where I head next.
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